Comic / Graphic Novel

Completely Bonkers

Three teenagers who couldn't be more different from one another: an environmental activist, a Syrian refugee boy, and a Jew, who, after his grandfather's death, openly wears the Star of David. And suddenly, all three are battling against culturally entrenched resentments to keep their friendship.

Melanie Garanin, illustrator of bestsellers, teams up with Andreas Steinhöfel, author of bestsellers. The result is a work with very complex but incredibly appealing protagonists.

  • an intense graphic novel about rascism and anti-semitism
  • a reality-driven story that deftly combines personal and social themes

173 mm x 245 mm
Number of pages
Reading age
from 12 years

Leipziger Lesekompass 2023
Katholischer Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis 2023
Buch des Monats August 2022 (KJL)
Leselotse Juli/August 2022
Die besten 7 Bücher für junge Leser (Juli 2022)