Story Books

Little Mr Secret Crafts Happiness

by Anke Loose, illustrated by Ariane Camus

Mr Secret has it good! He loves his cozy home and the family he takes care of as house brownie.

In this second volume, he makes an astounding discovery that will turn his life upside-down. Living next door is a woman brownie that he just can't stop thinking about …

Everything you need to be happy, “hygge” and content with life (and stay that way)!

  • Everything you need to be happy, “hygge” and content with life (and stay that way)
  • Warm-hearted narrative tone and lots of terrific illustrations
  • Over 7,000 copies of the series' first volume, Little Mr Secret Has Big Plans, sold

173 mm x 245 mm
Number of pages
Reading age
from 5 years