Young Adult Fiction

Smoke of Blade: The Realm of the Silver Night (vol. 3)

The demon world of Nŏsfera stands on the eve of destruction. Ironically, its salvation seems to be Sóley, who up until recently, lived in the magic-less world and is still wrestling her inner demon for her humanity. But Sóley has other worries: Her best friend is being held prisoner by the Lost Family. A Family member, Aicyard, finally makes her an offer: They will let her friend go if, in return, Sóley promises herself to him. But how can she agree to that when she has already wholeheartedly promised herself to the Night Shadow Chester?

A gripping combination of demon fantasy and romance!

  • Suspenseful, dramatic, romantic
  • Breathtaking third volume of the Scepter of Blood trilogy

136 mm x 215 mm
Number of pages
Reading age
from 16 years